What Happens To Your Finances After A Fraud?
Post-fraud finances can be a frightening event.
Many clients who come to us have expressed their deepest sorrow at having lost near or even the entirety of their life savings.
We want to express our deepest empathy, and we understand the fear, anxiety, depression and utter guilt at the loss post-fraud.
For this reason, and for the benefit of our clients, we have partnered with financial services to provide resources to get your finances back on track.
Ways We Can Help
Financial Impact Assessment
Post-fraud financial planning begins with a thorough assessment of the financial impact experienced by the victim. This step helps determine the extent of the damage and provides a foundation for developing a recovery plan.
Budget Advice
Request a consultation with our one of our financial planning sponsors.
Tax Planning
We have many clients who ask us about taxation and how it will applies to them post-fraud.
For this reason, we have partnered with accountants that are knowledgeable and have the professional training to understand just how to address the tax implications of fraud.