Our thanks to (Alberta Treasury Branch - ATB)
We were sent a copy of the following 3 emails distributed to clients of ATB today, and we wanted to say "Thank you!". ATB has stepped up their game and joined the fight against Cybercrime by providing 3 amazing resources for clients and newcomers alike.
Lets take a look at the 3 tools and what they offer:
These amazing tools have been provided by ATB to raise awareness and prevent citizens like you from being defrauded. No matter which bank you chose to be your own, these steps seem to be a universal guide and can aid anyone looking to improve their cyber security level.
Cybercrime is now the #1 form of crime around the world. With this threat looming on almost every technological device we use, it is important to maintain security and protect yourself.
Cybercrime Victim Services has been established to provide aid to victims of Cybercrime across Canada. If you need help after being a victim of Cybercrime, please reach out. We can help.